Some time ago we reported about our specialist vehicle shoot for Terberg UK. The guys from Yorkshire had come down to Crediton – Mid Devon – at which point we spent an afternoon and evening photographing the new dual purpose emergency response vehicle.

Well now it is fantastic to see how the images were used in their new downloadable brochure.

The photography was a mix of shots taken to a pre-laid brief as well as photo-opportunities that were both created and reacted to on the day. It is always great to see how companies use our images and pleasing to see them working well for our clients. The brochure is a good example of what can be achieved with a well planned day’s photography.

Terberg commissioned Andrew Butler on the basis of his previous experience in motoring photography as well as engineering and industrial photography. Although seemingly a leap of faith this approach meant that we could recce locations on behalf of the client adding value to the experience for our client.