Recently whilst photographing the Exeter Flood Defence Scheme meeting I commented that very poor conditions can make for great photos. I’m pleased to report that good conditions can work well too for engineering photography.

Asked by the Environment Agency to photograph a day in the life of the Exeter Flood Defence Scheme work this turned out to be a day of fundamentally good weather. As with most engineering photography the day started with a solid induction and an introduction to the works, on this day along with some visitors from Sunny Donny. I felt strangely at home although my hands didn’t pass the working hands test.

The EFDS is an extensive project and on this day I was able to photograph many of the active works from Cowley Bridge through to Countess Wear, in addition staff working from the main site office were photographed at work.

Images were supplied in a variety of styles but many of the photographs were celebrating the endeavours of the people working on this project. The client was supplied with a large photographic resource documenting the work on this project.

Gallery of Photos of A Day In The Life of Exeter Flood Defence Scheme